Wednesday, February 6, 2008



Class Discussion:

Chapter 5 - Gravity

Video Clip:  During last year's Superbowl, there was a commercial that showed a FedEx office on the moon.  There are at least a dozen examples of "bad" physics in this 30-second advertisement that cost $2.6 million to air.  Congratulations to Michael W., Adrianne H., Brittany L., Henry G., and David R. for identifying the most instances of impossible events shown in this advertisement.  Here is my summary of the good and bad physics from this ad.

What are the consequences of Newtonian thinking?
What limitations are there in our world today due to Newtonian thinking?
Examine Fig. 5.16 - Excellent summary of physics
Why not use the more modern and accurate theories instead of F = ma?
Rewind:  Hands on friction - how does it feel?

Review for Exam

Bonus material (answers to student questions):
Why do photons have spin 1? - Photons are bosons, which have integer quantum angular momentum (spin) 0 or 1, but they do not actually "spin".