Physics 24-001 Web Projects for Fall 2001

Group Number - The physics of...

1 - a potato shooter
2 - stringed instruments
3 - diffusion by the kidney
4 - arteriosclerosis
5 - monster trucks
6 - Olympic track and field events
7 - flyfishing
8 - muscle contraction (not uterine) - best viewed with Internet Explorer
9 - cartoon caracters (roadrunner and coyote)
10 - circus acts
11 - cheerleading
12 - automobile engine
13 - airdrop of food and supplies in Afghanistan
14 - SCUBA diving
15 - nanotechnology
16 - musical instruments (excluding stringed instruments)
17 - pacemakers
18 - forces in cytokinesis (cell division)
19 - hydroelectric power
20 - fair rides/rollercoasters
21 - golf
22 - uterine muscle contractions
23 - basketball
24 - centrifuges
25 - internal injuries from automobile accidents
26 - bone strength
27 - race cars
28 - regenerative braking systems for vehicles
29 - energy efficiency of cars
30 - rotating amusement park rides

Sample web projects from last year:
Energy management in the human body
Blood pressure in capillaries and effects on diseases
Artificial heart valves
Prosthetic devices